Frequently Asked Questions
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What is considered OER and what is not?
OER are free and openly licensed education materials that are either released under a Creative Commons license or are available in the public domain. While other resourced may be 'free to the student' such as library resources, websites, and downloaded content, those resources may be subject to copyright restrictions and not allow revisions and redistribution.
I want to create or revise OER, how do I license my work?
The CT OER Grant program strongly recommends licensing your work as CC BY, but will accept other Creative Commons attributes with justification. Creative Commons has provided a license chooser that will walk through the process of selecting an appropriate open license. The Creative Commons site also provides guidance on how to include the license within your work.
I want to propose OER work for more than one course, how do I complete the application?
For each distinct scope of work, a separate application is required. For example, adopting a different OER for two distinct courses would require two applications.
Can I submit multiple proposals for the same course/section?
The CT OER Grant Program will consider concurrent proposals as long as the work is presented in a logical order and deemed feasible within the grant period. For example, a Review and Adoption grant cannot be concurrent as a determination for appropriateness has not yet been made.
Can I be compensated for work already completed or work that may not be finished or utilized during the grant period?
All grant proposals should reflect a new project that will be completed and taught within an OER-enabled course section prior to December 31st of the grant year.
How are the grant proposals reviewed?
Grant proposals are reviewed based on projected available cost savings to students, statewide impact, pedagogical innovation, collaboration, student involvement, and feasibility to complete proposed work and meet projected goals.
I want to propose a review of OER, do the same standards and requirements apply?
Note: Review grants are not being considered in the 2024 grant cycle.
Proposals must identify the specific OER to be reviewed, confirm that existing reviews do not exist or provide justification on why a new one is needed. If accepted, the review must evaluate the appropriateness and feasibility of adoption of the selected OER as well as a brief narrative on whether the OER will be adopted and its projected impact. The Open Textbook Library Rubric provides excellent criteria to cover in your evaluation and written review. The review will be copy-ready and accessible for posting in the GoOpen CT repository. In addition to the GoOpen CT repository, Open Textbook Library, and BCcampus Reviews are excellent sites to review for existing reviews.
I want to propose a supplemental grant, what level of detail is required for the planned supplemental materials?
For supplemental proposals, a detailed list of planned materials to be created, revised, or remixed is required. The proposal should include format and purpose/focus of each supplemental item. The intent of this information is to not only provide the council greater awareness of the proposed work, but also a roadmap for any other faculty who may adopt this work.
My institution participates in an automatic textbook billing program (sometimes marketed as "equitable access" or "inclusive access"). Am I eligible to apply for the grant?
Yes, provided that the program gives students the ability to opt-out. When you apply, you will be required to provide documentation that the program has a clear and broadly communicated opt-out process.
Are curated resource lists accepted as supplemental materials?
Supplemental materials are openly licensed educational resources that are produced to support an existing OER product. Supplementals, or ancillaries, can include lecture notes, lesson plans, slide presentations, videos, assessments, assignments, and activities. A curated list of existing resources is not considered as a supplemental material.
I see that impact and supplemental grants allow for funding requests beyond the listed stipends, how do I handle this request?
For impact and supplemental proposals, a Budget Template (template provided) is available to submit funding requests beyond the listed stipend. Requests must be limited to essential expenditures for the accomplishment of the proposed outcome(s) and include justification of the proposed expenses.
Funding may be requested for the following expenditure categories:
Stipends (Impact only) – Stipends for applicants/co-applicants involved in the proposed activities.
Educational and technical resources—software or office supplies required for the proposed activity may be requested if their acquisition is not possible through the academic department. Materials purchased with grant funds become the property of the institution(s) involved.
Partnership Support – external content and process experts may be hired to share professional expertise with faculty audiences.
Other developmental activities – costs associated with the hiring of content and process experts, funds for OER project related campus activities, wages for student workers, media production; and other creative development activities are all encouraged by the committee.
Prohibited expenses: Equipment, professional association membership and submission fees, professional printing or administrative costs, and travel. Institutional financial support provided for these expenses is not covered by the grant prohibition.
I see that impact and supplemental grants require colleague reviews, how do I complete this process?
A review conducted by a peer or colleague will be required for the OER materials developed as part of these awards. A Review Rubric (template provided) has been developed to assist with this process.
How do I complete my grant requirements?
You will need to complete a Grant Report (template provided) and submit you report and findings to the grant management system. You will receive an email with instructions 30 days prior to the due date. Your grant report will also be made publicly available for others to view. Additionally, you will be required to upload or link any OER adopted, revised, or created to the statewide repository, GoOpen CT. You will receive a separate email inviting you to contribute your OER works. Instructions will also be provided.
When will I receive my grant award?
Once your grant reports have been received and approved along with your submissions to the GoOpen CT repository, institutionally-generated invoices will be processed for payment by the Connecticut State Colleges & Universities System Office.